Seems there was something seriously amiss in San Diego this week...
Last weekend was the annual Pride Festival in Balboa Park. Reports are conflicting, but it seems that five gay men were assaulted (beaten and stabbed) by at least three individuals while leaving the festival.
I looked up some news reports on this. Is it my understanding the five attacked were ambushed and done one by one?
It's never failed to amaze me it seems to take at least three straight men, usually armed with either clubs and/or knives, to bash one queer. At best, one has to question the basic manliness of the 'tough guys'.
And rarely do they shoot us, unless it's a couple of lesbians out in the williwags hiking, stalked by an anonymous sniper. Years ago.
That's got to tell you how strong we are...
Until we get our country back, until we get the people to understand the danger of hate, no one, gay or straight, will be safe.
Until we get the people to understand that gay marriage in no way undermines straight marriage, no one is safe.
Until we realize we've put our troops in a dessert version of Vietnam, overseeing a predictable civil war, no one is safe.
Ask any woman on the ground in US uniform if she doesn't watch her back with extra care -- not from enemy fire, but being caught alone by her own soldiers.
How bad does it have to get in Iraq, between "collateral damage", our troops without a clear mission, and what's been obvious all along, that we are training the insurgents exactly how to whop big army, before we finally wake up?
W's Daddy was craven, and lead many Iraqis to rebel, and then be hammered by Saddam for doing so without support in Gulf War One. But at least he wasn't foolish enough to wade in. Bush II has plunged the entire neighborhood into conflict, because he didn't understand one simple fact Daddy did -- you cannot remove a strongman and leave a vaccuum.
September 11th was a Tuesday; the next weekend, over a million people in Tehran, Iran, rallied to show SUPPORT for the United States. Do you remember? Shia women, as usual with their faces covered, crying and lighting candles? It was a stark reminder that the world hates to see innocent people die.
And can you imagine how different our world would be had Albert Gore been allowed to take his elected post? If 9-11 couldn't have been thwarted, at the least we would have went after the terrorists themselves, aligned ourselves with a universally appalled world, and treated them as the gnats at a picnic they are. We'd now be focused on global issues like disease, the environment, and working towards more places resembling Ireland than making more places resemble Somalia.
A viral infection in a herd of cattle can cause a lot of damage. Do you blow up the barn, the farmhouse, and the neighbors?
Keep on blogging, friends...I guess we know who the Patriots are. And we know who the Tories are, too.
Blessed indeed are the peacemakers, for they will survive and endure.