The war comes home
But their are further signs of hope. More and more Iraq veterans are stepping up to offer additional service to our country. By running for Congress. Most, at this point, are doing so as Democrats; there is at least one fellow from Texas running on the Republican ticket. They all have one thing in common -- they've had their damn boots on the ground, and understand how wrong the direction of the war on terror has gone.
I, for one, am extremely glad to see some fresh blood in the Republican ranks. For far too long the Grand Old Party has been carjacked by moneygrubbers wrapped in religious robes. Imagine if Jesus himself actually showed up at the White House...I seem to remember something along the line of physically chucking the moneychangers out on their butts in ancient Israel. Not to mention his habit of spending much of his valuable time with the poorest folks. No wonder the ruling powers killed him. Silver Spoon Shrub claims to be a born-again Christian? They are going to have a hard time shoving that camel thru the eye of a needle.
Not that the Dems deserve much better; they at least occasionally manage to throw a few sops to Americans who are struggling. But they, too, need to be rousted from the slavish chase of the Almighty Dollar. Remember the bankruptcy reform that recently went into effect? Every gol-durned Democrat who voted for that should be deeply ashamed of themselves (if not tarred and feathered) for being in the pocket of the credit scam banks. Myself, I'm glad I'm so poor I buy everything with cash (if I ain't got the money, means I can't afford it). I pity the fool that steals my identity!
I look forward to what the veterans have to offer -- I think whether they run Dem or Repub, we can finally have some more progressive, common sense leadership that this country so desperately needs. These guys know what it means to serve unselfishly, they know how valuable and vulnerable America's families are, and they have seen first-hand some of the most corrupt contracting and under-equipping that our government has ever stooped to. Way to go, Haliburton -- all those rotten chicken sandwiches you sold the military may soon come home to roost.
Hooray and godspeed these vets -- they swore to uphold the Constitution, and dag-nabbit, looks like they're determined to do it.
That's what I call staying the course.