Shake, Rattle, and Roll -- This Week in History
And the news is not all bad...this Friday is the kickoff of Fiesta San Antonio, a ten-day city wide bacchanal celebrating the Battle of San Jancinto -- an event in the Texas calendar only slightly less important than the first sighting of bluebonnets. It's the acknowledged date when the Republic of Texas was born. I lived in San Antone for six years, and during Fiesta, if you show up for work WITHOUT a hangover people inquire about your health. It ain't quite Mardi, but finding eggshell and confetti in unexpected places, on your person or otherwise, is not odd.
Mid-April has brought many things; the first American auto in 1892, and the introduction of the Mustang in 1964 (suggested price $2368 - that makes me tear up). Shirley Temple debuted in 1934, and eleven years later Hitler died by his own hand. Another ten years brings us to the death of Einstein, probably already dismayed at the steady perversion of science in the service of war. Then there's Columbine, which is evidence of nothing except there's some kids who have no hope. I remember being a nerd myself, chronically picked on. Then I started to smoke pot from time to time. It taught me to be mildly irritated at people who wanted to harsh my real. Sorry, but I can't report it made me quit paying attention.
This is also the anniversary week of the Bay of Pigs adventure. Speaking of other miscalculations, the end of that one, the 19th, is the anniversary of final assault on the Davidians just outside Waco. From the start in February of federal involvement to the fire that gutted the compound, the word STUPID resounds. The locals, maybe not entirely supportive of the religious intentions of Koresh, still to this day ask "why didn't they just arrest him when he came into town?" Probably an attitude that figured into the rationale of one Timothy McVeigh, the fiend who two years later blew up the Federal Building in OK city, murdering 149 adults and 19 children. Unless I am mistaken, an act of terrorism of the highest order.
Isn't it interesting, in the name of national security, that the domestic separatist movement has fallen completely off the radar? Do you believe groups that advocate the overthrow of the American Goverment such as the mini militias and the white supremists have simply ceased to exist? But we should be more worried about the Mexicans, and our southern border. My mom down in Arkansas, who is so unpolitical it hurts, mentioned lately to me she hadn't noticed any Mexicans flying planes into buildings. Then was tickled to tell me what a good job the Latino crew did two years ago reshingling the family home. She says she has yet to have a leak (and this is a house with a 50 history of being a sieve). Mom was just sorry she didn't have more than the Sesame Street Spanish she learned with her kids to be able to say gracias to the crew.
At least Mom's feelings are FOR people who want to work. The arguments so far are the alarmists who think we need to build a Berlin style wall (there are those who think, go ahead. And exactly who, in that area, is going to be supplying the labor? it is ha ha to laugh). The only thing that is wrong with the labor supplied by illegal immigrants is the fact they are being taken advantage of. It is not morally wrong to want to work. Having lived in Texas, which has always been ground zero of immigrant labor, these folks aren't ALIEN. They are just relatives. Sometimes of people who are here, sometimes of just people back home. And they are not taking jobs from Americans; the sucking sound you hear of jobs going away are the white collar jobs being outsourced to Asia, India, and Ireland. Myself, I'm considering working on my brougue!
Monday also brought us the first declaration of intent for President 2008. A real outside horse, Mike Gravel. His motto is "Let the People Decide", and among other things, he advocates complete withdrawal from Iraq, immediate measures to diminish the national debt, and progressive actions to take the money out of politics. He observes quite correctly that until the people have a direct means of forcing federal policy, none of these things will like a madman, he proposes an amendment to the Constitution allowing a FEDERAL Voter Iniative.
What a weird idea! It's something that would put the power of the government for the people, by the people, and of the people into the filthy, hardworking hands OF the people. Us. We would be able to propose.
DC is terrified of this idea...which in itself is weird, but predictable. Many in DC are irritated by Hollywood

I got some "Gravel in my Craw"; Mike announced his intention to run on Monday...the same week, in 1775, Paul Revere got on his horse, and gave the real Minutemen the heads up.
Like Patrick Henry, "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death";
and quit harshing my real!