Proud to be a Yellow Dawg Democrat

A Democrat is back in the Govenor's Mansion in Arkansas. South Dakota folks threw out that draconian total abortion ban their Ledge foisted on them. Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum's already conceded, praise Jesus. The House (and supoena power) is in the hands of the Democrats, the Senate's not out of reach, and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is not going to have a Merry Christmas at our expense this year.
I'm waiting to call my mom until tomorrow -- just a side note here, but I predicted to her two months ago gas would be down to two bucks a gallon by today. I checked local prices in Little Rock; 1.96 to 2.08 today. Bet we hear about OPEC squeezing supplies by the weekend to explain the increases. And if you've been paying attention, OPEC dropped production two weeks ago because our election was costing them money. Bullshit this White House isn't manipulating prices at the pump.
Nothing's graven in stone yet, but the fat lady is waiting in the wings, tuning up. mi mi mi, do ray mi...
We've waited a long time for this.
I haven't felt this goood since, um, jeez, so long I've forgotten! I bet Bush can't sleep tonight either, probably calling daddy to secure that paraguayan estate. Let the lawyers deal with tomorrow, we got tonight. Ain't no tv guy/gal gonna tell me this isn't momentous. Just for fun, we tuned into Fox after McCaskill claimed victory. Never seen so many downturned pinched-up faces. Like they smell something bad. Know what the smell is, Hannity? That's the smell of Freedom. G'head, mel, sing it out! ~~ D.K.
I was just telling the folks in chat at Bartcop how I wished I had cable, just to see the Fox fuckers in sackcloth and ashes tonight. Poor babies.
Or more to the point, fuck the fucking fuckers. Six years of ugly lying propaganda...I hope Air America buys 'em out soon.
It could happen. We didn't think we'd win '06.
And I still say the real work begins Wednesday the eighth.
A Fucken' Men
Now let's hold the feet of those we elected to the coals and save our constitution!
This is very good. Not as much as I'd have liked, but a helluva lot more than I expected.
i can't wait to see what gas will be by the holidays in december...i predict (drum roll) it will be closer to 4 a gallon...
Truthfully I would pay 8/gal to get these Fuckeads out of OUR WhiteHouse....
wow....unreal....I can't believe it....
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