The American Renaissance

Baja Canada del Sur: Comedy and Comment in the Age of Occupation

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Location: Little Rock, Arkansas

found done in needlepoint on Mel's Front Porch: I Pledge Alligence to the Constitution of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it guarantees, One Nation, Undeniable, with Liberty, Truth, and Justice for All.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I am rendered speechless


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Mel for this great picture to remember Molly by. She was young, happy & ready to have a good time with politics.

I can't believe she's gone. 62-short years. She was a brave one-of-a-kind soul. I so want to read the book she was in the middle of about bush's assault on our bill of rights. Even a partial book of Molly's will have valuable insight. ~~ D.K.

11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the great picture of her- love to see her this way...and I will always remember the tribute she wrote to Ann and reading it here this year...

Many Many hugs I know you and dada and Dk and I hold her in the same wonderful place in our hearts....namaste...

12:41 AM  
Blogger meldonna said...

I've always wanted this lame dog-n-pony show I call a blog to at least be a shadow of Molly's talent...and I know I fall way short. There's been a few mean-spirited folks who've accused Miss Ivins of plagarism over the years; in every case it boiled down to mere spite towards someone who gleefully pointed out the obvious fallacies while making the rest of us laugh.

Like Bill Hicks, Molly was a soul and a voice I happily echo and frankly plagarize, should you want to split legal and intellectual hairs. Fuck that noise. Molly, and Bill, too, both loved the truth so much, they were each the epitome of intellectual freedom. Lame as our efforts might be, it's up to us to keep that spirit rolling, and at every opportunity, raise some hell.

Nothing is permanent but the truth, and the love. Somewhere Bill, Ann, and Molly are sharing a laugh in a celestial Texas beer garden. All three would appreciate it if we, each in our own way, keep doing the same.

I gotta stop now, or I'm going to start leaking out the eyes. I don't know why cancer keeps taking our good voices while the selfish, venal, and aristocratic types seem to flourish, but I guess that's why there are some of us who don't mind pissing people off in the name of justice. Don't forget this Ivins dictum: We don't win very often, so we might as well have fun anyway.

My hat's off to ya, Molly.

1:43 AM  
Blogger azgoddess said...

me 2 - 3 and 4...hugs!!

2:18 PM  
Blogger Dada said...

Mel: Okay, convinced me. As soon as I finish this comment, I'm heading down to the little corner store for a six pack and have a beer or two while remembering Molly.

Seeing her last night on one of the net news stations while she had obviously been going thru chemo or radiation therapy...seeing her bald, I was upset and expressed this to Mrs. Dada at the photo they chose for us to remember Molly with.

But Mrs. Dada said that maybe Molly wanted people to see what becomes you when you're fighting cancer. And I calmed down a lot.

But seeing the picture you chose to commemorate Molly is nice, so very nice. Thank you.

Amy Goodman had some excellent Molly time today from her appearance on Democracy Now! back in '94.

As for your blog and your desire to be at least a shadow of Molly, I'd say you've far exceeded all expectations! (g) Trust me...and I think I speak for other readers here as well...when you get on one of your great rants, you step outside all shadows! (I just love it when you're p*ssed!)

I'm feeling better about our loss of Molly. Visiting various blogs, I realize we're carrying forth her spirit. "Raise more hell!"

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was glad to catch the Democracy Now! tribute to Molly today. I don't think the networks are paying much attn. That's why I'm hoping The Great State of Texas gives her a big state funeral. Jim Hightower & Bill Moyers will just have to speak, music by Dixie Chicks, of course.

Now Mel, Dada is right, you definitely have more than touch of Molly in your blog here. You are both strong southern women with a no BS view of life. Oh, and you both can make me laugh & cry at the same time.

It does seem that cancer & other illness has a habit of shortening the best people's lives & leaving the bastards alone to enjoy a long life of f*cking over the rest of us. 'course they do tend to get all the best health care, no waiting in line or putting off medical tests when you've made a ton off providing dead soldiers military equipment. How many people live with Alzheimer's into their 90's a la Reagan? OK, I better stop before I find myself on a rant, huh.

Maybe I will think up more ghastly advice for you at G.A. tonight if I'm still feeling ranty. ~~ D.K.

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there many hugs still- so today I found a big beautiful photo of her with her red hair and looking 6 feet tall...those are big shoes to fill for sure- but all of us need to raise hell- and write more and better- and I have always said that I hang on your porch cause you do remind me of Molly- sorry but you do... ( " jus' like a cat in a room full of rockers") phrases like that warm my heart and make laugh....Let's all make Molly proud this year....

9:42 PM  
Blogger meldonna said...

“Listen, a populist is someone who is for the people and against the powerful, and so a populist is generally the same as a liberal—except we tend to have more fun.”

-Molly Ivins, January 2007

Deke, honey, if you feel like ranting, you came to the right place; I thoroughly encourage it. Dada and E are right. Raise more hell.

And thanks to you guys for your kind comments...they mean a lot to me.

10:56 PM  
Blogger No said...

Ya know what, Mel? Your writing kind of reminds me of Ms. Ivins...

I just got one of her books at the library yesterday...Bushwacked.

Have you read it?

May she rest in peace...

4:24 AM  
Blogger Pursey Tuttweiler said...

I will attend the services tomorrow. I am sure it will be packed.

Mel, you are damned straight, losing Bill Hicks, Ann Richards, and Molly Ivins is too much. We gotta keep our voices alive to keep theirs alive.

We still have Liz Carpenter, her book, Start with a Laugh is wonderful. She wrote the few short words that Lyndon Johnson spoke when he announced to the world that Kennedy was dead. I had the honor of Meeting her with Lady Bird Johnson two years ago. Liz struggled with breast cancer, here book is worth a read.

We lost Clifford Antone this year, of the legendary Anotone's. We had gone to a Blues Jam their to raise money for Texas Dems. Of course, all of the usual suspects were there, Pinetop Perkins, Marsha Ball, Angela Strehli. Clifford helped so many people and he was a supporter of the Democratic Party.

I know they are all hanging out together, smoking ciggies, (I bet Hicks gets to have those again now that he is in beer garden heaven) drinking beer, telling jokes, hell I hope old Clifford is smoking some great weed. I miss them one and all. I am leaking from my eyes.

8:45 AM  
Blogger meldonna said...

Oh wow, I didn't know Antone passed. And am sad to hear it. Austin's home to many unique folks, native and transplant. I'll have to check out Liz as well.

Thanks, no...and yes, I thoroughly enjoyed Bushwacked, as well as Molly's other books. Not many folks can make me laugh out loud in the library...

4:51 PM  

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